Monday, August 29, 2011

CAS Goals 2011-2012

  • Live up to my expectations as Assistant Director of the School Production of Fiddler on the Roof. Most Grade 12 Theater Arts students were expected to sign up and do something for the school production, not to fulfill any requirements for the course but solely so that we would have additional meaningful content for our TPPP meaning that any work we do on the production can count as CAS. I signed up to be the Assistant Director because I was somewhat bored with acting in school productions and I felt that this could be a new and meaningful experience that would teach me something. By doing this I would be undertaking new challenges as I've never helped direct something this big, showing perseverance as this would be a full time job, developing new skills and working collaboratively with others. I am somewhat worried about the workload that Assistant Director-ship would bring but hopefully I will not be overwhelmed and will be able to carry out my job well.
  • Perform the tasks I am handed in my two service activities of Cleft Palate and DAWG. While I am not an official member of DAWG I did agree to helping them with whatever they needed outside of the regular meetings on thursday afternoons as I was a leader of the activity two years ago and therefore have some experience with it. I've also agreed to be at the annual sterilization and vaccination event which is the culminating result of DAWG's fundraising activities. Cleft Palate is the service activity that I've been officially signed up for and the reason I joined them was because I was a member of their activity at the end of the 11th grade and I wanted  a sense of continuity and despite the activity being somewhat problematic in terms of its service last year, this year they are under new leadership who seem a bit more motivated and therefore I wanted to join them and support the cause which I felt was a noble one. The critical learning outcomes I will be connecting with are: Undertaking new challenges as Cleft Palate has changed considerably this school year due to the fact that they will be visiting the hospital more, showing perseverance and commitment as I have unofficially committed myself to two service activities and being a senior student I will be accepted to take leadership roles despite not officially being a leader (the reason being that I was SGA President last year meaning that I did not have the opportunity to get well-versed in one service activity), planning and initiating activities as both service activities are fund-raising based we will need to get creative with our methods and finally I will have to work collaboratively with others as all these service activities revolve around the group.  

Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer 2011 (June-August)

During the summer I took part in a internship at a tourist resort in the Maldives, the name of the resort is Adaaran Club Ranaalhi and the internship involved me working in a myriad of departments. The reason I did this was because at the time I had considered a career in the hotel industry but after the internship I had changed my mind. The schedule for my internship was as follows, and it was an action filled, exhausting two weeks:

·        16th June ;               Orientation,  the Resort Tour and Reception.
·        17th June                 Front Office
·        18th June                 Central Reservations  &  Back Office  operations
·        19th June                 Housekeeping department
·        20th June ;               Laundry, Linen Room
·        21st June;                 Restaurant service
·        22nd June;               Bar operations and services
·        23rd June;                Types of Beverages,  Beverage Service andpreperation of cocktails
·        24th June;                Kitchen Operations ( No practicals)
·        25th June;                Stores operations
·        26th June;                Storing, Recieving and Issuing
·        27th June;                Maintenance department.
·        28th June;                RO Plant operations, Generators, Sewerage Treatment Plants. etc. and preventive maintenace

Below are reflections from each day that I had written during the internship as I was made to take notes as well as reflect on my working day.

16th June - We didn't do anything significant today in terms of work, we simply came to the resort, got a tour and got oriented with some of the staff and significant operations. I then got a look at the reception in anticipation of the work that would follow on the 17th. No significant work, I just relaxed today after orientation

17th June - Today I spent time at the reception and front office (they are basically the same thing however the Front Office (FO) is a lot more technical in terms of accounts and paperwork and such). I basically learned about the different kinds of forms that need to be filled out to confirm reservations, the software used to book and track rooms on the resort as well as incoming and outgoing trips to the airports. They also have tags to track different tourist packages i.e. half-board (only breakfast) full-board (all-meals) and special packages (complimentary drinks). I was then allowed to work with the software and assist customers with their needs for a few minutes and this was me undertaking a new challenge that was somewhat service based.